Play with your own data

There are two ways to load data to display: at init of the map, and at anytime.
The easiest way to display data is to fill one of the both parameters: lineString or featureCollection.
And then you can (erase and) load another set of data with one of the boths methods: setLineString or setFeatureCollection. Theses methods works exactly in the same way of the parameters above.


Only the first LineString of the file will be picked to the demo example
(if there are no LineString, the import will be ignored)
No data will be stored in this site.
  • A lineString. See file.

  • A lineString previously described by Mapbox-gl-path. See file.


If the lineString is correctly described (meaning properties of each features) to fit with Mapbox-gl-path (for example it was previously exported with Mapbox-gl-path), all points will be correctly positioned. If not, an autodermination of Points will be drawn.


Your feature collection must contains lineString and Points (positionned on coordinates matching with lineString) data.


The organization of the file must be strictly well formated. If not, it's preferable to use setLineString methods to avoid some issues.